Monthly Archives: January 2016

Emergency Disaster Community Preparedness and Planning Seminar

Emergency Disaster Community Preparedness and Awareness by WISAR In Accordance with Disaster Month, October 2015 Wilderness Search and Rescue Philippines, was invited by the BsEd–PhySci’s S3C Org., Pres. Richard O. Morales, S3C –Adviser Prof. Christopher Kenneth C. Alarcon and Campus Dean, Dr. Pedro Abanador to provide awareness and preparedness to Disaster. As Noah of the [...]

By | January 26th, 2016|Events|0 Comments

2016 Blade Sports Workshop & Fun Chop

Mike Melchor, Mike “Loco Estoy”, JM Dayto and Donnie Lomat organized an event on January 9, 2016 catered to blade enthusiasts in the Philippines. The event was an offshoot to the 1st Philippine Blade Olympics organized by X.O. Knives and Mike Melchor in 2014. The purpose of the event was to acquaint the blade enthusiasts [...]

By | January 15th, 2016|Articles, Events|0 Comments

Red Alert 2016

Atom and I discussed the injuries incurred after a fall incident involving the brain and spinal cord mainly. The brain is a soft and delicate organ. A hard blow to the head can injure the brain or spinal cord even when there are no visible signs of trauma to the scalp or face. That’s why [...]

By | January 8th, 2016|Doc Ted's, Mass Media|0 Comments

Event Ops: Feast of Black Nazarene (2016-01-[08-10])

Call Time is 10:00PM January 8, 2016 at Rizal Shrine in Luneta. The team, was divided into 4 groups for Satellite 1 Area with other rescue groups. The team was on standby until we are activated from 6AM-10am of January 9, 2016, as one of the extrication team in the area. The team extricated around [...]

By | January 8th, 2016|Events|0 Comments

Situational Awareness

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS is defined as the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information. Checklist (Some of them only): ­ Try to guess what indivuduals around you are thinking or doing ­ Look for odd behavior or things that seem out of place ­ Anticipate which way or maneuver could bring you [...]

By | January 7th, 2016|Articles, Doc Ted's|0 Comments

The Successful Survivalist’s Rules of Life

1. Carry a pocket knife. 2. Get comfortable with lighting a fire. 3. Learn to shoot and clean a gun. 4. Be able to perform basic first aid. 5. Keep your blades sharp. 6. Work hard and smart. 7. Shop at yard sales and thrift stores. 8. Exercise regularly. 9. Share with others. 10. Grow [...]

By | January 5th, 2016|Articles, Doc Ted's|0 Comments

The Right “I”

After a 4­hour training with few friends and foreign instructors, I learned these: Right Information Right Institution Right Instruments Right Immersion Right Insights Right Inputs Right Instruction Right Indoctrination Right Intervention Right Intervals Right Intuition Right Impact (I'll sleep with newer doctrines as nightmares)

By | January 3rd, 2016|Articles, Doc Ted's|0 Comments