

SRT: Single Rope Training

After I joined and finished the WISAR training, I can say that I am now more equipped with the skills and knowledge in patient management that I might need during emergencies. But what’s next? As a thrill lover, I always want to explore things and activities that make my adrenaline rush. And being a [...]

By | July 18th, 2016|Articles, Trainings|0 Comments

Training Curriculum

 WILDERNESS SEARCH AND RESCUE PHILIPPINES PROGRAM OUTLINE Please Note: Any information given will remain confidential within WISAR Philippines Team and is requested for the sole purpose of record keeping. Under no circumstances will WISAR Philippines release information on any client to any other party. WILDERNESS SEARCH AND RESCUE COURSE SCHEDULE WEEKEND 1 Day 1 (Saturday) [...]

By | July 7th, 2016|Trainings|0 Comments

Stiftung Solarenergie Philippines

Description: Activity initiated by the Stiftung Solarenergie Philippines where WISAR is an Accredited Response Partner. This activity is intended to simulate the deployment forms and familiarize partners on the process of pulling out and returning Solar Suitcases to the warehouses. ATTENDEES: ERIC – Bryan Tominez and Gelo Perez EDC – EDRU – Nino Lopez, Eleazer [...]

By | October 27th, 2015|Trainings|0 Comments