
Grueling – this is how we define our training on Wilderness Search and Rescue Philippines which consists of 9 weekends of non-stop physical and mental pain and exhaustion to the point of almost thinking to quit. We were informed to prepare ourselves physically and mentally before the training started. However, none of us expected the challenges that waited for us in WISAR.

WISAR taught us about self-containment and survival aside from the very important course of patient assessment and management. The experience we got was like no other. From trekking several kilometres in a day, to sleeping where it deem possible to sleep with a very little time, to managing meals with time restriction, to keeping check of the physical, emotional and mental state our team, to finally surviving the entire course. WISAR gave us a real-life experience of what we may encounter in case we may get deployed in rescue operations or worse case scenario – the need to survive on our own in the wilderness.

Amidst all the hardships and challenges that we’ve gone through – both physically and mentally, I believed our batch came out a lot stronger, braver and more skilled than when we started. We were molded to be tough and skilled and still continuously learning to be good life savers of our society. WISAR is an experience that we will never forget and neither would we want to be replaced in our lives.

To God be all the Glory!