After I joined and finished the WISAR training, I can say that I am now more equipped with the skills and knowledge in patient management that I might need during emergencies. But what’s next? As a thrill lover, I always want to explore things and activities that make my adrenaline rush. And being a mountaineer and an outdoor enthusiast makes me more susceptible to different kinds of risks that my activities go with. I’ve always wanted to know more about ropes and enhance my technical skills, and the Advance Ropemanship Skills Single Rope Technique training under Sir Romulo “Cubao 2-5” Garcia, with the support of WISAR Ropemanship head, Sir Weller Fernandez was a very good opportunity to begin with.

There were 10 participants for the initial batch of the ARS-SRT training. The training was scheduled for 2 weekends or equivalent to 32 hours. We had theoretical, classroom lectures as well as supervised hands-on sessions. We also had the opportunity to try our skills and the things that we’ve learned in an actual outdoor environment in Wawa, Rizal.

1Sir Cubao 2-5 conducting the theoretical and equipment familiarization lecture

2ARS SRT Batch 1 Group Picture
(L-R 1st Row: Luis, Egolz, Geenie, Peter, Cory, Raj, Jay, Francis, Ana
2nd row: Sir Cubao 2-5, Sir Weller, Rocco)


Lecture + Hands-on

4Setup of a rigging method

5Setting up a line

6Practical exercises

7 Francis trying out the ascender

9 Luis in actual skills practice

10 Rocco descending from his anchored line

11Geenie testing what she anchored

13 The boys of Batch 1

17 Sir Weller demoing anchor techniques

15 Rigging on top

16 Jay getting ready to rappel down the rocks

19 Rock climbing in Wawa, Rizal

During the training, we got back to the basics. We’ve familiarized and practiced ourselves with knot-tying, mechanical advantages and other skills that we have to know about being a Technical Rope Specialist on a first hand basis. The learning and skills that we’ve acquired during the training is very essential to the outdoor activities that I do as well as if ever I get to be deployed during rescue operations.

For inquiries about the ARS-SRT Training, you may contact Sir Cubao 2-5 through his mobile number 09087371758 or 09954730040.

By: Geenie Duarte